Tuesday, October 28, 2014



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  1. 维持低通胀水平
  原油价格下跌推动美国汽油价格同步下跌,从而压低了整体通胀水平。根据美国公布的9月份消费者价格指数(CPI),整体通胀率环比仅上升 0.1%,其中能源价格环比下降0.7%功不可没,8月份为环比下降2.6%。汽油价格环比下降1.0%,8月份为环比下降4.1%。从同比来看,美国 CPI和核心CPI均为1.7%,通胀压力非常小。
  2. 降低通胀预期
  凯投宏观(Capital Economics)经济学家认为,油价下跌正在压低消费者以及市场的通胀预期,前者反映在密歇根大学的调查当中,后者由10年期通胀互换利率反映。联储在制定货币政策时也将通胀预期视为一个重要指标。
  3. 推升美国消费者信心
  毫无疑问,油价下跌能够提升美国家庭的消费信心。摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)经济学家估算,汽油价格每下跌10%,密歇根大学消费者信心指数将增加2个点。因此,尽管受到埃博拉、股市回调等负面影响,美国10月份密 歇根大学消费者信心指数初值依然意外升至86.4,创7年新高。
  4. 汽油消费下降、其他方面开支上升
  5. 降低美国贸易赤字

Monday, October 27, 2014

Oil prices tumble; Goldman slashes forecast

Oil prices tumble; Goldman slashes forecast

Published: Oct 27, 2014 10:07 a.m. ET

Goldman sees $75/barrel-oil for most of 2015

Oli tumbles on Monday.
Markets reporter


MADRID (MarkeWatch) — Oil futures fell sharply on Monday, after Goldman Sachs slashed its forecast for prices, predicting West Texas Intermediate crude will prices will spend the better part of 2015 at $75 a barrel.
On the New York Mercantile Exchange, light, sweet crude futures for delivery in December CLZ4, -0.65% slid $1.20, or 1.5%, to $79.79 a barrel. December Brent crude LCOZ4, -0.87%  on London’s ICE Futures exchange dropped $1.26, or 1.5%, to $84.88 a barrel.
Goldman analysts brought forward their medium-term bearish oil outlook, as they predicted WTI crude will average $75 a barrel for the first quarter of 2015 and the second half of 2015. That’s down nearly 17% from $90 a barrel, previously. They cut their Brent forecast by 15%, to $85 a barrel, from $100 a barrel, previously. The 2016 and long-term forecasts for those oil prices are $80 a barrel WTI and $90 a barrel for Brent.
The investment bank’s “confidence in a 2015 oversupplied global oil market has increased,” said lead analysts Damien Courvalin and Jeffery Currie, who gave three reasons for the downgrades to prices:
  • Accelerating growth from non-Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries outside of North America that will outpace demand growth, leaving the market flush with supply
  • Scale and sustainability of shale oil production that drives the global cost curve lower
  • OPEC no longer acting as first-mover swing producer, with shale oil output being called upon to fill that role.
Nymex West Texas Intermediate, the U.S. oil benchmark, has been down for four consecutive weeks, and Brent crude has posted losses for five weeks in a row.
Fawad Razaqzada, technical analyst at FOREX.com, said in emailed comments that Goldman’s bearish view has “nonetheless provided traders renewed confidence to sell oil at these already-depressed levels. The current fundamentals suggests that Goldman may well be correct. “
Another energy analyst, Commerzbank’s Carsten Fritsch, said he expected Brent and WTI would test their lows from last week but noted, “I did not expect it so quickly.”
For the rest of this week, financial markets will be focused on U.S. economic data and the U.S. Federal Reserve’s decision on its quantitative easing policy.
The strength of the U.S. dollar compared to other currencies would affect crude oil demand, analyst Daniel Ang at Phillip Futures said. “Considering the events in the week ahead, we expect to see the theme of this week’s crude prices to come from changes in the dollar index,” he added.
Nymex reformulated gasoline blendstock for November CLZ4, -0.65%  --the benchmark gasoline contract--fell 5 cents to $2.1808 a gallon.

Monday, October 20, 2014

油价暴跌俄损失巨大 中国机会来了

油价暴跌俄损失巨大 中国机会来了

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“阴谋随时都在上演。如果油价继续维持在每桶80美元左右太长时间,全球经济可能会因此崩溃。”俄罗斯总统普京的这番警告似乎在印证隔数年就会来上一次的 国际“石油战争”再度打响。几天来,国际原油期货价格逼近并一度跌破每桶80美元,而几个月前油价还高居107美元左右。油价如坐过山车般迅猛下跌,成为 国际金融大动荡的一大诱因。

与此同时,各种“阴谋论”四起,有人认为这是当年美国沙特联手迫使苏联计划经济破产的战略故伎重演;也有人认为这是沙特阻止美国页岩油气开采势头的“阻击 战”。无论如何,这次油价动荡令俄罗斯、伊朗以及委内瑞拉等石油出口国损失巨大,同时美欧等石油进口国享受每天约18亿美元的“意外之财”。《纽约时报》 称,油价持续下跌,“正符合美国和沙特的战略利益”。而德国《法兰克福汇报》则担心中国因此“坐上顺风车”,成为平衡世界石油价格的关键力量。


石油风暴的风暴眼显然就是俄罗斯。俄罗斯《独立报》题为“石油摧毁”的文章直白地写道,近期国际油价大幅下跌是沙特和美国的一个阴谋。华盛顿希望进一步加 强对俄制裁,通过降低油价来破坏俄经济,迫使普京就范。报道称,能源出口一直是俄罗斯经济的重要支柱,它是俄罗斯最主要的外汇收入和预算资金来源。俄罗斯 今年的财政预算是以油价保持在每桶93美元制定的,而未来3年预算则是以油价每桶保持在约100美元制定的。因此,国际油价的持续下跌,无疑将直接打击俄 罗斯的经济。

俄塔社18日称,对于国际油价持续下跌的问题,俄总统普京前一天在亚欧峰会后表示,不排除一场针对俄罗斯、针对俄财政和经济状况的阴谋正在上演。他称: “说到阴谋论,阴谋随时都在上演。但阴谋家本身也会遭遇沉重打击。”普京说,如果原油价格在每桶80美元左右持续太长时间,全球经济也将因此崩盘。而做低 油价的手法会给美国的相关行业带来非常巨大的损失。普京称,俄罗斯拥有大量的外汇和黄金储备,可以应对油价下跌的影响。

《纽约时报》称,尽管俄罗斯有数百亿美元的外汇储备,但那里还是出现了紧张气氛。在日前举行的一次会议上,普京面对地方要钱的要求暴跳如雷,这表明石油收 入下降已经给俄罗斯带来了伤痛。报道称,这与普京早前回应西方经济制裁时的虚张声势明显不同,当时他对制裁不屑一顾,称这只不过是令人讨厌的小事一桩。

不仅是俄罗斯,美国另外两大传统“敌人”——伊朗和委内瑞拉近来的日子也不好过。法国《看板》杂志引述国际战略学者的话称,美国和沙特达成秘密协议,希望 借助“石油武器”打压伊朗和俄罗斯,从而迫使伊朗放弃核计划,令两国无法支持叙利亚巴沙尔政权。沙特石油和战略政策展望中心总裁拉希德承认,过去3个月油 价大幅下跌“与沙特的取舍不无关系”。报道认为,伊朗在遭受多年经济制裁后,需要石油出口收入维持预算平衡。与俄罗斯每桶原油100美元的盈亏平衡点相 比,伊朗一直认为国际油价不应低于135美元,这也是国际货币基金组织等机构推测的两国油价盈亏线。

95%的出口收入都来自石油的委内瑞拉上周紧急呼吁石油输出国组织(以下简称欧佩克)召开紧急会议,以回应油价猛烈下跌的问题。但其他成员国拒绝了这个请 求,理由是下月欧佩克将召开常规会议。委内瑞拉石油部长拉米雷斯声称这一切都是“阴谋”,因为“我们确定,下跌并非源于市场基本面,而是为了给产油大国制 造经济问题而进行的价格操纵。”

Monday, October 6, 2014

Brazil presidential vote headed for runoff

Brazil presidential vote headed for runoff

By Shasta Darlington, Catherine E. Shoichet and Ben Brumfield, CNN
updated 10:22 PM EDT, Sun October 5, 2014
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Brazil's economy ahead of elections

  • NEW: With more than 99% of votes counted, Dilma Rousseff has more than 41% of votes
  • NEW: Exit polls say she'll face Aecio Neves in a runoff
  • Rousseff is Brazil's first female President and was once a Marxist rebel
  • Neves, an economist, is a well known career politician who vows to fight inflation
Sao Paulo, Brazil (CNN) -- Brazil's presidential vote is headed for a runoff.
Preliminary election results from the South American country show President Dilma Rousseff in the lead. But she didn't get the majority necessary to win in the first round.
With more than 99% of votes counted, Rousseff had 41.56% of votes, Brazil's Supreme Electoral Court said. Aecio Neves was in second place with 33.60%. And Marina Silva was in third place with 21.30%.
Exit polls Sunday indicated there would be a runoff between Rousseff, the incumbent, and Neves, a center-right candidate. In a poll conducted by the Ibope public research firm, Rousseff won 44% of votes, Neves won 30% and Silva won 22%.
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Silva, an environmentalist candidate for the Brazilian Socialist Party, had gained momentum and backing from a growing number of supporters leading up to the vote, with polls before the election placing her in second place.
She joined the race after candidate Eduardo Campos died in a plane crash and was seen as a political outsider who could combat corruption. But while she succeeded in gaining much broader support that polls had initially predicted for her party, her third-place finish puts her out of the running for the presidency.
Rousseff, 66, was once a Marxist rebel who was allegedly tortured in the early 1970s during Brazil's former dictatorship.
With her trademark pixie-short hair style and thick glasses, she became one of most Brazil's most wanted fugitives, branded by some as a "subversive Joan of Arc."
She has a solid track record in running the executive office. Before becoming the country's first female president in 2011, Rousseff, from the Workers' Party, was chief of staff to former President Lula da Silva.
She democratized Brazil's electricity sector through the "Luz Para Todos" (Light for All) program, which made electricity widely available, even in rural areas.
Rousseff presided over the soccer World Cup in Brazil, but she took a lot of political flack over how public money was spent.
Streets filled with hundreds of thousands of demonstrators questioning the morality of pumping so much money into stadiums instead of programs to fight poverty and build infrastructure.
Rousseff defended the spending, saying the vast majority of funds earmarked for infrastructure projects were spent on projects for the nation, not the soccer tournament.
And Rousseff claims that under the presidencies of her predecessor and herself, masses of Brazilians have risen out of poverty.
"We have also mainstreamed into the middle class no less than 42 million people," she has said.
But inflation is now weighing down that progress.
Neves, a 54-year-old economist, is a well-known name and a career politician. His campaign slogan promises reforms to lower inflation and encourage more investment in the country: "The sure path for Brazil to really change."
The pro-business candidate belongs to the Brazilian Social Democratic Party, one of the country's strongest.
His grandfather, Tancredo Neves, was elected to become Brazil's president in 1985 but died before taking office. Neves says he began his political career campaigning at his grandfather's side.
"What motivates me in politics is an enormous love of Brazil, a limitless desire to see things improve, to see Brazil go the right way," he says in a campaign video.
While he'd been trailing in some polls leading up to the election, Neves said the only poll that mattered was Sunday's official vote.
"Let's get to the second round," he said in a YouTube video on Saturday.
Both Rousseff and Neves thanked supporters in speeches Sunday night.
Rousseff has promised her second term will be different, running under the slogan of "New Government, New Ideas."
"Once again, the people have honored me with their trust by giving me victory in the first round," she said.
A video posted on Neves' Twitter feed Sunday night showed cheering supporters carrying him as cameras flashed.
This has been one of the tightest election competitions in recent years, and it's likely to intensify in the coming weeks, with both candidates vying for the votes that went to Silva in the first round.
There will be three more weeks of campaigning before the runoff.